Relocation Service

Finding the right home is likely to be the most important concern faced by expatriate staff in their relocation, as housing choice often sets the tone for their family’s experience in Belgium.

We will help you to find your perfect house

  • Single, couple, family
  • With garden, terrace, furnished, concierge etc…

Hayato Membership Benefits

House cleaning service – 50 % from the standard fee

House cleaning service – 50 % from the standard fee

Dry cleaning service – 10 % from the standard fee

Dry cleaning service – 10 % from the standard fee

Assistance for the outgoing survey

Assistance for the outgoing survey

Free access to the Hayato Japan Center Library Room (in preparation)

Free access to the Hayato Japan Center Library Room (in preparation)

Customer support 7 days a week

Customer support 7 days a week

Assistance for domestic move

Assistance for domestic move